Here you can find an overview of my presentations.
Doen wat werkt! Evidence-informed werken aan D&I-vraagstukken. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of NRO, Utrecht, November 8, 2023 (PPT)
Why value diversity? How communicated diversity motives affect the employment image of public and private sector organizations. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO (‘Associatie van Sociaal-Psychologische Onderzoekers’; English: ‘Association of Social-Psychological Researchers’), Wageningen, December 12th, 2019 (Wiebren Jansen en Relinde Vos – Doen wat werkt! Evidence-informed werken aan DI vraagstukken)
Building bridges between diversity science and diversity practice. The development of the Netherlands Inclusivity Monitor. Presentation held at the annual Academy of Management conference. Boston, August 13th, 2019.
A double-edged sword: Negative gossip promotes strategic contributions from targets. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO, Nijmegen, December 14th, 2018.
Improving organizational practice. Presentation held at the Blindspots in Diversity Management Symposium. Leiden, January 17th, 2019.
Fostering social inclusion in diverse work settings. Invited colloquium presentation held at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, April 30th, 2018.
Negotiating project team inclusion. A longitudinal field study based on the MARGINI model. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of the Kurt Lewin Institute. Zeist, April 24th, 2018
Being different at work: How gender dissimilarity relates to social inclusion and absenteeism. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO, Amsterdam, December 10th, 2017.
Being part of diversity. Including cultural majority members in diversity communication increases their support for diversity efforts. Presentation held at the EASP conference, Granada, July 8th, 2017.
Negotiating work group inclusion. An empirical assessment of the MARGINI model. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO, Leiden, December 9th, 2016.
Are they talking about me? Gossip and social inclusion at work. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO, Amsterdam, December 11th, 2015.
What’s wrong with being normal? Towards inclusive diversity ideologies. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of the EAWOP. Oslo, May 21st, 2015.
I’m sick of being different. Presentation held at the annual conference of the WAOP (‘Werkgemeenschap van onderzoekers in de Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie’; English: Dutch Society of Work and Organizational Psychology Researchers). Utrecht, November 28th, 2014.
What’s wrong with being normal? Including majority members in organizational diversity. Presentation held at the EASP conference, Amsterdam, July 11th, 2014.
Inclusion: Conceptualization and measurement. Presentation held at the annual conference of the ASPO, Maastricht, December 12th, 2013.
Inclusion: Conceptualization and measurement. Presentation held at the annual conference of the WAOP. Eindhoven, November 22nd, 2013.
Organizational diversity approaches. What works for whom? Presentation held at the KNAW Academy Colloquium ‘Advances in research on social integration and cultural diversity’. Amsterdam, June 6th, 2013.
Gender dissimilarity and work group inclusion. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of the EAWOP. Muenster, May 25th, 2013.
Effects of cultural diversity approaches on cultural majority and minority employees. Presentation held at the Catholic University of Leuven. Leuven, February 11th, 2013.
Colorful or colorblind? Effects of cultural diversity approaches. Presentation held at the Geert Hofstede Symposium organized by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Groningen, January 17th, 2013.
Effects of cultural diversity approaches on cultural majority and minority employees. Presentation held at the annual conference of the WAOP. Groningen, November 23rd, 2012.
Inclusion: Need satisfaction in diverse groups. Antecedents and consequences. Presentation held at the 14th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes ‘Group and Identity (trans)formation – Analyzing the roots of what WE are’. Jena, June 30th, 2012.
The development and validation of the perceived organizational inclusion scale. Presentation held at the annual conference of the WAOP. Tilburg, November 25th, 2011.
Features of an inclusive organization. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of the EAWOP. Maastricht, May 28th, 2011.
From best practices to best methods. Designing and implementing effective diversity policies. Invited presentation held at the Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, May 17th, 2021.
The emergence of inclusion. Invited presentation held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, October 7th, 2020.
The emergence of inclusion. Invited colloquium presentation held at Tilburg University, September 18th, 2020.
Fostering social inclusion in diverse work settings. Invited colloquium presentation held at Leiden University, Leiden, June 3rd, 2019.
Fostering social inclusion in diverse work settings. Invited
colloquium presentation held at ERCOMER at Utrecht University, Utrecht, May 6th, 2019.
Fostering social inclusion in diverse work settings. Invited
colloquium presentation held at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau, April 30th, 2018.
Negotiating project team inclusion. A longitudinal
field study based on the MARGINI model. Presentation held at the bi-annual conference of the Kurt Lewin Institute. Zeist, April 24th, 2018.
Fostering social inclusion in diverse work settings. Invited
colloquium presentation held at ERCOMER at Utrecht University, Utrecht, May 27th, 2016.
A scientific perspective on organizational culture. Presentation held at InvestNL. Haren, November 24th, 2021.
Diversiteit en inclusie in de sportwereld. Presentation held at NOC*NSF. Haren, November 9th, 2021.
Wanneer werkt diversiteit? Van wetenschap naar praktijk en weer terug. Presentation held at Waterwegen. Haren, September 30th, 2021
Diversiteit en inclusiviteit brengen beweging in de energietransitie. Presentation held at Windkracht5, Halfweg, June 3rd, 2021
Een wetenschappelijke blik op diversiteit en inclusie. Presentation held at NOC*NSF. Zwolle, January 14th, 2021.
Wanneer werkt diversiteit? Van wetenschap naar praktijk en weer terug. Presentation held at the Central Bureau of Statistics. Zwolle, December 16th, 2020.
When does diversity work? Presentation held at ABN AMRO. Amsterdam, October 3rd, 2019.
Diversity at work. A research perspective. Presentation held at the Joan Williams symposium. Utrecht, March 28th, 2018.
Kleurenblind of kleurrijk? De effecten van diversiteitsbeleid voor werknemers [English: Colorblind or colorful? The effects of diversity policies for employees]. Presentation held at the municipality council of the city of Veenendaal. Veenendaal, Februari 27th, 2013.
Colorful or colorblind? Effects of cultural diversity approaches. Presentation held at the Geert Hofstede Symposium organized by the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Groningen, January 17th, 2013.